The impact of the first crusade (488-492A.H/1095-1099A.D) on shaping the image of Islam and Muslims in the European West during the middel ages

Keywords: the first crusade expedition; image of Islam and Muslims; Western European; Crusades; the Middle Ages.


This study aims to highlight the impact of the first crusade(488-492A.H/1095-1099A.D) expedition on shaping the image of Islam and Muslims in Western Europe during the Middle Ages .

Through what the Western European Crusaders' early contemporary historians have written and accompanying its events during that period of time Those who created a comprehensive and wide image of Islam and Muslims, whose writings on the events and of the First Crusade expedion came as eyewitnesses, provided accurate details that contributed to the image of Islam and Muslims during that period And this damaged image made was spread widely in Europe during that time to embed in their heads for coming decades.

Thus, this conducted study thrives to notice the difference if found, of how western Europe saw Islam Muslims before and after this first crusade took place


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How to Cite
DAIFFALLAH , A. (2024). The impact of the first crusade (488-492A.H/1095-1099A.D) on shaping the image of Islam and Muslims in the European West during the middel ages . Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 300-314.