Simulation of the Algerian Novel to Global Texts: An Intertextual Approach to the Novel "Ha and the Journeys of Ishtar" by Ezzedine Jalawji


In this study, we aim to explore the critical theoretical and conceptual aspects associated with the term "intertextuality," a modern literary technique that enables authors to achieve prominence in global literature. It is widely acknowledged that every literary or artistic work is rooted in and derives from preceding texts, forming intertextual relationships and connections.

We have selected " Ha and the Journeys of Ishtar" by Algerian writer Ezzedine Jalawji as our primary text, noted for its rich intertextuality encompassing religious, literary, historical, and heritage dimensions, and its integration of various literary genres within the novelistic form. This technique is prominently displayed in his contemporary Algerian narratives, which oscillate between traditional roots and modern experimental forms. Our research attempts to trace and explore its characteristics, interpret its meanings, decode its symbols, highlight its aesthetic elements, and examine its multifaceted functions in these novels. Key questions we seek to address include:

  • To what extent has Ezzedine Jalawji utilized the technique of intertextuality in his works?
  • How has he employed this technique to achieve genre openness and ascend in the realm of narrative experimentation on a global scale?
  • Has Ezzedine Jalawji successfully achieved global recognition through this technique?
  • Do the subtitles serve the narrative content's theme, or is it vice versa, or are both merely experimental? Our research paper endeavors to answer these questions.


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How to Cite
Mesloub, A., & Hadjersi, N. (2024). Simulation of the Algerian Novel to Global Texts: An Intertextual Approach to the Novel "Ha and the Journeys of Ishtar" by Ezzedine Jalawji. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 440-469.