A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Inaugural Speech of Trump and its Perception by the American Society

Keywords: Critical discourse analysis (CDA), President Donald Trump, power, language, political rhetoric


This article provides an analysis of Donald Trump's inauguration speech in 2017, employing an approach of critical discourse. Applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as a theoretical foundation, this analysis investigates the linguistic features, discourse strategies, and thematic elements manifested in the given speech. The article posits that the speech delivered by Trump served as a potent instrument for attacking the entirety of the political establishment within the United States. This exemplifies the various methods by which language can be employed to sway and exert influence over the general populace, as well as to contest prevailing power dynamics. The analysis further emphasizes the need to employ critical discourse analysis as a means of comprehending the manners in which language is employed to influence power dynamics and social change.


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How to Cite
Yousfi, A., & Mouhadjer, N. (2024). A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Inaugural Speech of Trump and its Perception by the American Society. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 470-493. https://doi.org/10.34118/jskp.v4i01.3876