Indicators of PUBG addiction among teenagers

Keywords: PUBG ; video game ; addiction indicators ; teenagers ; IGD questionnaire ; school environment


In this article, we look at video game addiction in adolescents through research we carried out in two secondary schools, where we selected 06 cases from among the adolescents who said they spent a lot of time in front of their phone screens playing video games, particularly PUBG.

To test our hypotheses, we used a semi-structured interview and the IGD questionnaire specific to video game addiction. The aim of our research was to identify the physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral indicators of PUBG addiction.

The results show that these indicators are present in most of these adolescents, but to varying degrees, and that playing PUBG affects them physically (fatigue, body aches and sleep disorders), emotionally (stress, frustration), cognitively (lack of concentration and lower school results) and behaviorally (violence and aggression).


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How to Cite
GUIRAA HATEM , W. (2024). Indicators of PUBG addiction among teenagers. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 494-509.