The theme of emigration and the engagement of memory in the novel "Brooklyn Heights" by the Egyptian novelist Miral Al-Tahawy


  This study aims to explore theme of emigration and reminiscence in contemporary novels, striving to transcend conventional literary norms. Through a narrative approach emphasizing diversity and complexity, it diverges from linear storytelling by utilizing memory as the primary analytical tool. Memory plays a pivotal role in reconstructing past events and probing societal dynamics, shedding light on the challenges migrants face in pursuit of better lives and freedom. These themes are exemplified in 'Brooklyn Heights'.

  The novelist "Miral Al-Tahawy " demonstrates a profound understanding of the personal and identity- related obstacles encountered by migrants in her literary works. She highlights the discord caused by cultural assimilation, potentially threatening migrants' humanity. Novelist’s  use of memory as a narrative technique is particularly noteworthy, as it explores the fragmented nature of migrant identities


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How to Cite
Meguellati , F. (2024). The theme of emigration and the engagement of memory in the novel "Brooklyn Heights" by the Egyptian novelist Miral Al-Tahawy. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 645-662.