Family Provisions Regarding Guardianship – A Study of Purpose-

Keywords: Family provisions; guardianship; equality; interest; justice; preference; Man; woman.


This study aims to clarify the provisions of Qawwamah, and to correct its concept, which has been distorted, whether the West who wanted to harm women and ruin the family, or by people affiliated with Islam, but they understood Qawwamah incorrectly, and practiced it in the wrong way and gave a bad example. The study also aims to demonstrate the advantages of guardianship for women themselves, if it is in the right concept and application, and respects the privacy and decent jobs of each gender. The study has shown that guardianship for the benefit of women is necessary to preserve the family institution and protect it from cracks and internal conflicts.  and that the Guardianship  of a man is his preference over a woman in this section to ensure the good functioning of the institution,  not an absolute preference for him, no is it to reduce its value; And the  right is justice, not absolute equality.


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How to Cite
Kadous , abdellah, & Allali , M. (2024). Family Provisions Regarding Guardianship – A Study of Purpose-. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 663-690.