Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy

The peer review process is a cornerstone of ensuring the quality, credibility, and integrity of the Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons  (JSKP). All submitted manuscripts are subjected to a rigorous evaluation by experts to assess their validity, relevance, and ethical adherence.

Double-Blind Review

JSKP employs a double-blind review - Double anonymized review -process to maintain impartiality and objectivity. Both the authors and the reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review, ensuring that evaluations are free from bias.

Reviewer Selection

Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise, experience, and familiarity with the manuscript's topic. The selection process ensures a diverse range of perspectives to guarantee a comprehensive and equitable assessment.

Timely Review

We prioritize providing timely and constructive feedback to authors. Reviewers are asked to submit their evaluations within a specified period to enable swift and effective editorial decisions.

Review Criteria

Reviewers assess manuscripts based on the following criteria:

- Originality: Assess the novelty and uniqueness of the research contribution.
- Significance: Evaluate the importance of the research and its relevance to the field.
-Methodology: Examine the soundness and suitability of the research design and methods.
- Results: Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the reported findings.
- Conclusions: Determine if the conclusions are logically derived from the results.
- Clarity and Presentation: Assess the clarity, organization, and quality of the manuscript, including the use of language, figures, and tables.


Reviewers are expected to uphold strict confidentiality during the review process. They must not disclose any information related to the manuscript to anyone outside of the peer review process.

Ethical Considerations

Reviewers are encouraged to report any ethical concerns or conflicts of interest regarding the manuscript. Should any ethical issues arise, reviewers should promptly notify the editorial board for further investigation.