Al-Solan or Al-Sawal in Moroccan Al-Melhoun poetry

  • mohammed masrar
Keywords: salty poetry, solan, solan, hierarchy cracking, memory arrangement, miraculous


This article talks about the topic of Solan or Al-Sawal in Moroccan Al-Melhoun poetry. It is a set of poetic debates contained in Moroccan Al-Melhoun poetry, which takes place between a poet and his councils or between two or more poets to show ingenuity, scientific capacity and abundance of knowledge.They can also be puzzles that the poet reviews for some his opponents to make them unable to understand and answer, and thereby overcoming them in public. Moreover, this manifests that the poet of Almalhoun can take esotric knowledge from scholars and put it in plain words to the public, breaking the cultural hierarchy and linking the Moroccan cultural groups. Yet, the Question can be used in the Almalhoun poetry to rearrange priorities,mainly cultural, or it can come in a fantastic form.


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How to Cite
masrar, mohammed. (2022). Al-Solan or Al-Sawal in Moroccan Al-Melhoun poetry. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(01), 205-219.