The social effects of using the Internet on students'behaviour: A study on a sample of students from the DepartmentofSociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Al-Marj, University of Benghazi, Libya

  • abdelmajide ahmed abderhmane
Keywords: Internet use; Al-Marj university students; academic achievement; social relationships; acquiring behavioral patterns.


This study aimed to determine the effects of Internet use from students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Al-Marj, Libya, who use the Internet. Accordingly, the study sought to answer questions related to the effects of Internet use on students’ academic performance, acquiring behavior patterns and building social relationships. The study used the descriptive approach to describe the phenomenon and the purposes of using the Internet and its repercussions, and it was applied to an intentional sample of 56 individuals out of the total sample with a percentage of 9.1%. The study reached a number of results, including that the students use the Internet for a period of more than three hours a day, and that the purposes of accessing the Internet are to obtain information, knowledge and entertainment, The tight social control system, movement restriction, and the lack of places of entertainment affected the behaviour of these students by spending long times using the Internet, and thus formed a basic pattern for their lifestyles and ways of movement, and that most of them use it at night, which reflects their interest in studying, and also highlighted the weakness of the use of the Internet for social communication and building relationship.



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How to Cite
abderhmane , abdelmajide ahmed. (2022). The social effects of using the Internet on students’behaviour: A study on a sample of students from the DepartmentofSociology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Al-Marj, University of Benghazi, Libya. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(01), 241-259.