The future of the international political and economic system after the corona pandemic

  • ibrahim hakem hijazeen
Keywords: Th future of the international political and economic system, the corona pandemic, the political and economic effects of the corona pandemic


This study aims mainly to show the future of the international political and economic system, in addition to showing the political and economic effects on the international political and economic system, where the importance of the study lies in knowing the future of the international political and economic system after the corona pandemic and its role in changing the pattern of the international system from unipolar to bi-polar or multi-polar. The study employed several research approaches, namely: the descriptive analytical approach, and the systems analysis approach; in order to achieve the objectives of the study, and to answer the Georgian question of the study: what is the future of the international political and economic system after the corona pandemic. The study found the most important results: the study proved the validity of its hypothesis, there is a direct relationship between the corona pandemic and the international political and economic system ,the greater the time and space period of the corona pandemic, the greater the political and economic effects on the international system, leading to a change in the pattern of the international system from unipolar to multipolar pattern.



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How to Cite
hijazeen, ibrahim hakem. (2022). The future of the international political and economic system after the corona pandemic. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(01), 609-624.