Declaration of Competing Interest

When sending an article for publication, all authors must declare any financial or personal involvement with any public or private institution that might influence (even if unintentionally) the results of their work. Likewise, authors must declare any non-financial relation that may cause a conflict of interest in their work (personal, academic, ideological, intellectual, political or religious). Conflicts of interest, both financial and non-financial, must be notified when the article is submitted. The rationale behind this requisite is not to impede the publication of authors with competing interests but to ensure that these can be clearly identified so that readers can judge if authors may be predisposed or influenced in their work.

All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or any other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. They should disclose all sources of financial support for the project. Authors must indicate the journal when they have a direct or indirect conflict of interest with editors or members of the Editorial Board or International scientific committee.

A declaration of competing interest must be expressed in the acknowledgments as indicated in Social Empowerment Journal Template.

Declaration of competing interest

I declare I have no competing financial or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.