
Social Empowerment Journal strongly recommends that all authors submitting a paper to have an account in Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID). Registration provides a unique and persistent digital identifier for the account that enables accurate attribution and improves the discoverability of published papers, ensuring that the correct author receives the correct credit for their work. As the ORCID remains the same throughout the lifetime of the account, changes of the name, affiliation, or research area do not affect the discoverability of an author's past work and aid correspondence with colleagues. Social Empowerment Journal encourages all corresponding authors to include an ORCID within their submitting author data and co-authors are also recommended to do so. ORCID identifiers should be added to the author data upon submission and will be published alongside the submitted paper, should it be accepted.

How can I get an ORCID iD?

Registration is free at orcid.org/register. It takes less than a minute.

You register only once and can use your ORCID iD permanently.

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