The importance of quarantine and social distancing in the prevention of infectious diseases

  • MOHAMED LOUNIS University of Djelfa
Keywords: Infectious diseases, prevention, quarantine, social distancing


Despite the important development in the medical field by finding a number of medicines and vaccines against several infectious diseases, the emergence of several epidemics in the last years like COVID-19 has made human unable to medically struggle them. Under this circumstance, he recurred to traditional measures consisting on quarantine and social distancing to limit the spread of these diseases.

   In this way, we conducted this research to define these measures and there role in the fight against the infectious diseases. We demonstrate that these measures played an important role to contain and limit the spread of several infectious diseases.


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How to Cite
LOUNIS, M. (2020). The importance of quarantine and social distancing in the prevention of infectious diseases. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(2), 81-90.