Corona pandemic and its economic and social repercussions in Morocco: Field study

  • Zouhair En.Namy University of Morocco
  • Ilham Karim University of Morocco
Keywords: Corona, Field study, Economy, The epidemiological situation, Morocco


this study was devoted to uncover the economic and social impact of the Corona pandemic on the Moroccan society. The study is mainly based on the data collected from a field work that included 672 participants from the moroccan regions as well as the statistics provided by the international health organisation and the moroccan health ministry .the results of this study are several and range from economic to social ones. In fact, the Corona epidemic led to the suspension of employment and all economic sectors especially tourism were affected. In what concerns the social sphere, there was an increase in unemployment and poverty.


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How to Cite
En.Namy, Z., & Karim, I. (2020). Corona pandemic and its economic and social repercussions in Morocco: Field study. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(2), 152-170.