The social awareness and its role in the prevention of the corona virus in Algeria

  • kamel Amttout University of Bashar
  • khadidja kadous University of Oran
Keywords: social awareness, social representations, epidemic, role, Covid virus - 19.


Enter this paper has dealt with the role of social awareness in fighting the Corona virus in the Algerian society, by mentioning its health importance and the most important obstacles that stand in its way.

Among the findings, the social awareness is primarily responsible for the success of all the country’s efforts to reduce the spread of this virus through its ability to address the relating rumors,


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How to Cite
Amttout , kamel, & kadous , khadidja. (2020). The social awareness and its role in the prevention of the corona virus in Algeria. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(2), 253-272.