The efforts of the University Psychological Help Center in M`sila to provid psychological support to the student during the time of the Corona epidemic.

  • azzouz Ketfi University OF Messila
  • zahra feidjel University OF Messila


The current study aims to reveal the efforts of the university psychological assistance Center in M`sila in the sponsorship and the university family. Through some scientific activities such as virtual lectures and awareness-raising seminars, and the presentation methods through university radio, Hodna radio and social media pages by psychological clinical practitioners from inside and outside the university to overcome the pressures associated with myself Corona and to adapt to the domestic quarantine. The concept and dimensions of psychological sponsorship and the definition of epidemics were also discussed, and one the most important types is the Corona pandemic.


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How to Cite
Ketfi , azzouz, & feidjel, zahra. (2020). The efforts of the University Psychological Help Center in M`sila to provid psychological support to the student during the time of the Corona epidemic. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(2), 333-346.