The role of the religious establishment as a social control tool

  • AIMED NEBEG University of alger2
  • ZAHRA NEBEG University of Laghouat
Keywords: Religious Institution, Mosque, Religious Discourse, Social Role, Social Control, Imam


The religious institution is an organizational body that represents a social spectrum similar to the other institutions. It is based on a set of laws and recommendations which seek altogether to serve society mainly in the religious field. The important role of this latter is embodied in the social, educational, and cultural constructions beside many other services offered to its citizens using different ways and tools to realize its target in the best version. All those efforts and roles of the religious institution are manifested in the mosque. It represents one of the most important pillars   in Muslim societies that possess altogether religious, civilizational, spiritual, and social dimensions. The mosque has always played different roles in various fields as mentioned above .The Imam or the scholar has always played a major role in teaching, preaching, and orienting people; therefore, he has contributed in the process of social change using the religious discourse as an important tool in reaching the target. In my research paper, I am going to answer the following questions: what is the social role of the religious institution? How can we enlighten the religious discourse in mosques to make it an efficient social tool?


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How to Cite
NEBEG, A., & NEBEG, Z. (2020). The role of the religious establishment as a social control tool. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(4), 146-156.