The nature of cultural values prevailing in society and its impact on the empowerment of its members: A preliminary study

  • Boufelja Ghiat University of Oran 2
Keywords: Cultural values, social empowerment, development, level of development, Islamic values


Each society has its own culture, which grows and develops through the ages, because of a combination of overlapping factors. This leads to the occurrence of values that affect individuals and behaviors in various social and professional domains. Thus, people in developed countries are characterized by a positive culture that helps to effectively act in their different activities, leading them to development and progress. Other societies are characterized by a culture dominated by negative aspects, leading to their adoption of lazy and lax behaviors, leading to their backwardness. This confirms the impact of the prevailing cultural values in any society on the success or failure of its members in dealing with various issues, and the extent to which they control their reality and their future

We address through this study, the concept of cultural values and the factors that contribute to their assortment. We also address examples of positive values and their effects on members of developed societies. Prevailing values in Arab and Muslim societies, the negative repercussions on their members, and the impact on their social and economic realities, are also tackled.


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How to Cite
Ghiat , B. (2020). The nature of cultural values prevailing in society and its impact on the empowerment of its members: A preliminary study. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(4), 157-165.