Algerain Framework between empowerment and marginalization

  • Aissa LOINASSE University of Laghouat
Keywords: Tires, Empowerment, Marginalization, organizational culture, social and cultural backgrounds


The current study on algerian   Framework       aims to give a clear  picture of this category within the algerian institutional field ,and this is according to some theoretical approaches and scientific research in the study of  Framework as an organizational system and a social category that was produced and imposed by medren institutional requirements sunce the beginning of the industrial revolution, organizational changes, the expansion of the practical field and the multiplicity of its branches in addition to the large size of institutions, and other factors that contributed and crystallized  in the production of this category.

And by looking at some previous studies regarding empowerment of  cadres within Algerian institutions, it became clear that the career path of Algerian carriers was fluctuating due to many social, political and organizational transformations, even, which affected in one way or another the main roles of Algerian cadres


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How to Cite
LOINASSE , A. (2020). Algerain Framework between empowerment and marginalization. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 2(4), 166-179.