The student’s contribution to the formation’s dynamic at the Algerian University (In light of new e-learning technologies)

  • Mahmoud Regagda University Of Ouargla
  • Omar Hamdway University Of Ouargla
Keywords: university student, the formation’s dynamic, university formation, new e-learning technologies


The current study aimed to shed light on the contributions of the student’s dynamism to his self-formation at the Algerian university institution in light of modern technologies, by addressing some of the following indicators and elements: the dynamism of the university student, the dynamics of university formation, the obstacles that prevent the student from activating this dynamic in the university, the use of Technological means to activate the educational process.

For this reason, this research paper came to analyze some indicators that reveal the most important difficulties that students face at the Algerian University in order to reach an effective training that depends on the student’s dynamism in managing and managing successful educational science.


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How to Cite
Regagda, M., & Hamdway, O. (2021). The student’s contribution to the formation’s dynamic at the Algerian University (In light of new e-learning technologies). مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(1), 67-77.