Separation Anxiety and its Implications in the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) of Failing Female Students in the Baccalaureate Degree -A Clinical Study at November 1st1954 High School, Laghouat-

  • Zinelabidin zitouni University Center tamanrasset
  • Noureddine Bendouma University Of biskra
Keywords: separation anxiety, failure, Thematic Apperception test, pupils


This paper aims to research the effect of separation anxiety disorder on the results of female students who have failed in the baccalaureate degree. It also aims to highlight the most important indications and the indicators of separation anxiety disorder in the TAT test. We have started from the following question: Is the reason for students' failure in the baccalaureate degree due to the problem of separation anxiety? And how is this shown through their projective production in the TAT test? To answer these questions, we have assumed that the students who failed the baccalaureate exam was due to separation anxiety, and this appears in the form of an intellectual stagnation through in academic results, as we have relied on the clinical method. As for the research tools, we used the TAT test. The research group was estimated by (03) cases of female students who failed in the baccalaureate degree. The results of the research, after analyzing the test data for each student, concluded that the problem of separation is prominent in their projective production because they are experiencing a transitional phase from adolescence to adulthood, so they unconsciously fear this transition, hence we say that the reason why our research group failed the baccalaureate exam was due to their fear of separation, and the latter was demonstrated to us through the projective production of the test used in the study.


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How to Cite
zitouni, Z., & Bendouma, N. (2021). Separation Anxiety and its Implications in the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) of Failing Female Students in the Baccalaureate Degree -A Clinical Study at November 1st1954 High School, Laghouat-. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(1), 78-95.