The virtual identity is formed in light of the diversity of cultural contexts shared on social media

  • Salami Saidani University Of M'sila
  • Asma Leiket University Of Constantine 2
Keywords: virtual identity, social media, virtual reality, cultural context


The concept of the virtual identity is considered one of the concepts emerging in the academic,humain and social fields, as it has coincided with the enrollement of social media with their various research requirements to the knowledge system in the last two decades. This is why the study came to show how this identity is formed and how it is promoted through social media and cultural  contexts involved in it. The study concluded with the conclusion that the dominance and the sweep of social media, our life is the birth new identities based on stereotypes and similarities, and social can be a positive way of asserting oneself.


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How to Cite
Saidani, S., & Leiket, A. (2021). The virtual identity is formed in light of the diversity of cultural contexts shared on social media. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(1), 136-147.