Sociological reading in the phenomenon of the death and extinction of languages

  • Fathi Baha University Of El Oued
Keywords: language death, linguistic conflict, living languages, dominant language, linguistic revival


        The conflict between languages reduces the use of languages between people to gradually fade away, leading to an end. It's until she's dead and gone.

        Thus, the death of languages is an incontrovertible fact, and languages in this form of living beings experience the friction, intermarriage, clash and struggle for influence, control, survival, life, death or demise.

        In this intervention, we will therefore aim to study the phenomenon of the death and extinction of languages. And what is it? What are the main reasons? What mechanisms should be adopted to keep languages from dying?


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How to Cite
Baha, F. (2021). Sociological reading in the phenomenon of the death and extinction of languages. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(1), 225-234.