Sovereign Leaderships in Tunisia during the Colonial Era: The Case Study of Habib Bourguiba and Saleh Ben Youssef

  • Ramzi Tej The higher Institute of Languages of Gabès
Keywords: Academic path, Political training, Ideological discrepancies, Comparative history


The present paper seeks to study the questions of sovereignty and leadership which have been the subject of a long – standing debate among researchers. It provides an account of conceptual and semantic clarifications on sovereignty and leadership for their appropriate use by researchers. The dispute over these concepts was due to a number of popular and false widespread uses. For the majority of people, congruity in their idiomatic meanings makes the two concepts similar, which has been contested by experts in philology.

Sovereignty is often mistakenly linked to a single person who is looking for command, leadership and dominance. This study seeks to go beyond attributing sovereignty to individuals. It rather aims at relating sovereignty to the State as a whole. Consequently, areas of use of each concept are identified so as to permanently end such confusion.


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How to Cite
Tej, R. (2021). Sovereign Leaderships in Tunisia during the Colonial Era: The Case Study of Habib Bourguiba and Saleh Ben Youssef. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(1), 243-255.