The Covid-19 pandemic and the public education crisis in Algeria "A study of the reality and foreseeing the future"

  • Aziza khalfaoui University Of constantine2
  • هدى فدسي University Of constantine2
Keywords: Covid 19 pandemic, future crisis, formal education, the Algerian reality, effects


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the outage of more than 1.6 billion students in most countries of the world, which foretells a real global education crisis. Algeria is one of the countries in the world affected by the pandemic and its effects were significant on various levels, especially the educational level. intervention aimed to research indicators of the future crisis of formal education in Algeria by analyzing the reality that characterized by taking measures to close schools and distance education and its various effects and then open schools with Imposing prevention measures and its various effects, and in the end we made recommendations to overcome the crisis.


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How to Cite
khalfaoui , A., & فدسي ه. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemic and the public education crisis in Algeria "A study of the reality and foreseeing the future". مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(1), 267-277.