Theoretical rooting of social change and the difficulties it faces within the Algerian society

  • YAKOUB SALEM University Of El Oued
  • HYND GHDYFI University Of El Oued
Keywords: social change, social Development, modern technologie, social Progress


           This research paper aimed to identify the concept of social change within the Algerian city in light of the development of modern technology. As the phenomenon of social change has become one of the most important indicators of social progress and development as it affects the quality of life and sustainable development within any society, as well as its role in activating civilization data and the various services that are considered criteria of sustainable development, and despite the increasing interest in modern information and communication technology in recent years, it has A direct relationship to social change, if most cities become this phenomenon, which creates many social and population challenges that have been exacerbated and affected in most of our cities, but the level of interest in the mechanisms of social change is still going slow and Clearly defined in the Algerian cities and therefore the study is particularly important because the standard of social change defined in the availability of modern technology, which has the effect of religious, economic and social values, so is the social progress index of the most prominent constraints consistent in the face of social change within the city


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How to Cite
SALEM, Y., & GHDYFI, H. (2021). Theoretical rooting of social change and the difficulties it faces within the Algerian society. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(2), 77-98.