Educational Animation and Learning disorders

  • Yassine Tahraoui University of Tlemcen
Keywords: Learning Difficulties, Educational animation, people with special needs


           Educational animation is one of the types of animation in general, it is produced selectively and privately to achieve certain goals that serve the educational educational process, as studies have proven the existence of a relationship between education and animation, which made researchers study the importance of using them with people with special needs, as it is that Individuals with learning disabilities fall into this category, and due to their characteristics that distinguish them from others, the use of educational animation in teaching these people, undoubtedly, improves their reading skills, helps to attract their attention, and develop their imagination, as the education of people with learning disabilities has become dependent on It is essential to use modern strategies, which is also included in e-learning for this category. In addition to its contribution to raising awareness of this category of society, it is necessary to note that people with learning disabilities may have difficulty understanding cartoonish humor.


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How to Cite
Tahraoui, Y. (2021). Educational Animation and Learning disorders . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(4), 34-42.