Paratext Between Simplicity of Expression and Implicit and Hidden Power Semiotic

Reading of the Novel "Blood of the Gazelle" OF Morzak Bektach

  • Abdelouahab MAMOUN University Of Bechar
Keywords: Paratext, Title, Cover, Semiotic, Novel


The study of paratext like headline, sub-headings... is among the first concerns addressed by contemporary semiotic studies, Consequently, scholars and critics focused on it, especially the title, its types and the cover, they are the main paratext that requires him to be examined before entering the text, as a result, European critics established a science of titrology like (The title mark) of Léo Hock Which is truly a book on titrology in all its aspects.

We tried to get acquainted with some aspects related to the paratext of "Blood of the Gazelle" by Morzak Bektach by reading what is explicit, implicit and hidden in it, Such as the main title and sub-headings, then the cover of the novel, which carries implicit semantic dimensions Using the descriptive analytical method, and the mechanisms of semiotic analysis, to conclude that the writer practiced modernity in formulating the paratext of his novel.


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How to Cite
MAMOUN , A. (2021). Paratext Between Simplicity of Expression and Implicit and Hidden Power Semiotic. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 3(4), 57-72.