The role of the family in accompanying children and protecting them from the dangers of electronic games
The huge and rapid technological progress has led to basic and fundamental changes in the lives of members of societies, as these changes touched all age groups, including children, particularly as a result of the emergence of the Internet's play and hence electronic games. Where children's interest shifted to electronic games of all kinds, however, despite the fact that what are the advantages and benefits of these games. But on the other hand, it has negative aspects that show its effects on society in general and on the individual in particular because of the social damage and health risks it generates for its users in an irrational manner, especially the category of children who need to be accompanied and directed. This can only be achieved through the contribution of socialization institutions, including the family, and in this regard this research paper aims to address the role of the family in accompanying children and preventing them from the dangers of electronic gaming. By doing a field study on a sample of children in El-Oued City, this is based on the descriptive method. One of the most important findings is that the family is pursuing different strategies to accompany and protect children from the dangers of electronic gaming, through surveillance, the promotion of trust and the creation of mutual dialogue with their children.
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