Enhancing the Tourism Sector as a Viable Economic Alternative to Hydrocarbons -Case Study of Algeria-

  • Mohammed Lamine Nour University of Tlemcen
Keywords: Tourism, tourism components, natural tourism components, Hydrocarbons sector


Tourism is a very important activity and has great importance in the Algerian economy, where tourism supports national income, provides foreign currency, and contributes to solving the problem of unemployment. So successive governments in Algeria aspire to find an alternative economy, and tourism is one of the reliable alternatives due to the possibilities Natural and existing infrastructure, in light of current international economic data. In the spirit of rationalizing and reorienting the government's policy toward encouraging investment in the tourism sector in the aftermath of the collapse of oil prices in global markets to their lowest levels beginning in 2014. Algeria has prioritized strategic sectors, including tourism, in order to create an alternative economic resource for the hydrocarbon sector, but reality confirms that the return on investment in the tourism sector is long-term.

The country's economic crisis has created a kind of awareness among officials and economic actors to think of new measures to confront the crisis, and despite the austerity policy and the decision to reduce government spending due to a decline in the country's hard currency revenues, primarily from hydrocarbon exports, the government has maintained all registered programs for the benefit of the Tourism Ministry.


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How to Cite
Nour , M. L. (2022). Enhancing the Tourism Sector as a Viable Economic Alternative to Hydrocarbons -Case Study of Algeria-. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(3), 58-69. https://doi.org/10.34118/sej.v4i3.2509