Culture of investing in mountain tourism in Algeria: Reality and Challenges

  • salem Yakoub University Of El Oued
  • Sara azizi University Of Oum El Bouaghi
Keywords: culture of investment, tourism promotion, mountain tourism


This intervention aims to highlight to a fundamental problem that constitutes one of the most important issues of the day, namely, the culture of policy of promoting mountain tourism in Algerian society, which has experienced an important dynamic in recent year by demonstrating its main features and the challenges it’s may face particularly in view of the importance of this sector in promoting both economic and social development.

     From this paper around us, we have put forward and discussed a range of ideas that lay the foundation for this issue, beginning with the importance and mechanics necessary to preserve this natural legacy in the light of challenges and stakes that exist.     


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How to Cite
Yakoub , salem, & azizi, S. (2022). Culture of investing in mountain tourism in Algeria: Reality and Challenges. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(3), 70-77.