Mobile journalism applications (MOJO) in the tourism field

  • Abderrezzaq Said University Of Khemis Miliana
  • Bouchra Kermiche University Of Skikda
Keywords: Journalism, Smartphone, Smartphone applications, mobile journalism, tourism


          This study aimed to shed light on the applications of mobile journalism in the tourism field, through a theoretical description of the emergence and development of mobile journalism and its most important advantages, in addition to showing its importance for individuals and journalists and its role in tourism promotion.

         Through this study, we concluded that the beginnings of mobile journalism were associated with the emergence of the smartphone and developed due the development of its technical characteristics, its applications made it easy for individuals and journalists to practice journalism, it also contributed to the promotion of tourism by producing, publishing and broadcasting photos, videos and tourist publications using one device, which is the smartphone.  


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How to Cite
Said, A., & Kermiche, B. (2022). Mobile journalism applications (MOJO) in the tourism field . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(3), 100-109.