Thermal spring Heritage as an engine for tourism development: anthropological reading

  • Hakima Adaal University Of Oran2
  • Fairouz Mami Zerarga University Of setif 2
Keywords: Tourism, thermal Heritage, Tourism development, Sustainability


Over the ages, the bathroom has been a social and cultural space in which human civilizations have succeeded, and it was one of the best places that combine the comforts of the body and soul together, especially if they were of the type of mineral baths that people realized their health and therapeutic value. And the mineral baths in Algeria are a natural asset and a cultural heritage, which stores in its features a cultural memory with a civilized dimension. It possesses 282 mineral baths, determined by a set of social and cultural characteristics on the one hand and physio-chemical and natural on the other hand, to become a tourist haven for many social groups. This research paper aims, to reveal the thermal heritage in Algeria and a strategy that it developed to activate medical tourism; let’s stand up on the fact that there are considerable qualifications and potentials from thermal spring and mineral deposits, and that the state is paying serious attention to the development of   thermal tourism.


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How to Cite
Adaal , H., & Zerarga , F. M. (2022). Thermal spring Heritage as an engine for tourism development: anthropological reading . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(4), 2-20.