The relationship of cultural heritage to tourism development in Algeria: Ahaggar Cultural Park as a model

  • Hassane hamel University of Tamanghasset
  • Bououchma Elhadi University of Tamanghasset
Keywords: cultural heritage, tourism development, ahaggar cultural park, the tourist development master plan, the tourist pole in the Greater South Concession, Ahaggar


The purpose of this study is to look into the relationship between cultural heritage (both tangible and intangible) and tourism development in Algeria, especially because the country is rich in diverse and distinct areas in this field that can be used to develop the tourism sector, similar to what other countries have done, and among the areas of cultural heritage. In Algeria, we find the Ahaggar Cultural Park -Tamanrasset, which includes unique heritage and historical landmarks and is classified as an international heritage, and thus can play a vital role in the process of attracting foreign tourists, and on the other hand, we find that the tourism development guideline has identified the pole for tourists.


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How to Cite
hamel, H., & Elhadi , B. (2022). The relationship of cultural heritage to tourism development in Algeria: Ahaggar Cultural Park as a model. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(4), 21-32.