Le secteur du tourisme en Algérie entre les défis de la réalité et les paris pour l'avenir

  • Nawal forkoche University Of Bouira
  • baya saou University Of Bouira
Keywords: tourism, components of tourism, tourist demand, economic effects of tourism


Tourism in the current era is an important resource for many countries that require special attention and undertake its development and development, so that it becomes a sustainable resource that successive generations will be able to benefit from, and considering Algeria among the countries that have a set of basic ingredients in the field of tourism, they are ready to go at this moment and With determination and constancy towards the development of the tourism sector and its advancement and bringing it closer to the leading countries in this field.
Therefore, this article comes only to discover the reality of the tourism sector in Algeria and the strategy for its development and sustainability by 2025, where the results concluded that despite the enormous tourist potentials and the ingredients that can be a global tourist destination, and a strategic alternative to Algeria after hydrocarbons, it remains underutilized and considered, given the lack of effectiveness and efficiency in the tourism policies or strategies previously adopted by Algeria
Consequently, revaluing the image of Algeria on the world tourism markets and making it a destination for tourists requires serious work and years of hard work, until the dark image that appears on the external plane disappears, and in this context the new policy has entered the framework of the Horizons 2025 tourism development master plan to improve and develop destination tourism Algeria and make it a tourist area par excellence,


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How to Cite
forkoche, N., & saou, baya. (2022). Le secteur du tourisme en Algérie entre les défis de la réalité et les paris pour l’avenir. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(4), 33-46. https://doi.org/10.34118/sej.v4i4.2772