Tourism culture and its role in promoting the tourism sector in algeria (analytical study)

  • Asma lekiket University Of Constantine
Keywords: tourism culture, tourism conscience, tourism industry, tourism promotion


   Tourism culture is basic and necessary for the development of the tourism industry, and awareness of its importance plays an important role in improving the tourism sector for the society, and that is through building a society that has a tourism culture that will achieve economic and social successes and gains that benefit the tourism sector and individuals Proceeding from this, the success of tourism depends on the citizen's behavior towards the tourist and the latter's impressions about the host country. Which represents propaganda and an opportunity for the tourist attraction of the country. Accordingly. the study aims to focus on the philosophy of cultural development in the tourism sector and the need to focus on tourism culture as a major factor in pushing the tourism sector forward in Algeria. For this reason, we will try in the study to find the role of tourism culture plays in the advancement and promotion of the tourism sector in Algeria.


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How to Cite
lekiket, A. (2022). Tourism culture and its role in promoting the tourism sector in algeria (analytical study) . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(4), 47-56.