The role of e-marketing in supporting the tourism sector

  • fadila boutora University Of Tebessa
  • hassiba beliardouh University Of Tebessa
Keywords: tourism, tourism development, marketing, e-marketing


This study aims to clarify the role of e-marketing in supporting and revitalizing the tourism sector, which represents the most important economic and social vital sectors and has important international dimensions. Where tourism marketing needs to activate the mechanisms of electronic marketing to support tourism development in its various directions. Tourist by providing the elements of tourist attractions, posting notices via the Internet that contain customer satisfaction...etc. Accordingly, this study reached a set of results, the most important of which is that in the current era, e-marketing has an effective role in reviving and developing the tourism sector, as a result of the presence of a positive impact and a positive direct relationship between e-marketing and tourism marketing.

Digital transformation imposes important prospect for travel across the virtual world. Accordingly, this paper recommended the necessity of investing in information technology means in all areas of the tourism marketing mix and strengthening them to reach new forms of advanced tourism or the so-called digital tourism.


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How to Cite
boutora, fadila, & beliardouh , hassiba. (2022). The role of e-marketing in supporting the tourism sector. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 4(4), 57-69.