The role and place of religion in light of social change
Through this research paper, we seek to shed light on the role and place of religion in the life of the individual and society, and this is in light of the wave of social change witnessed by the whole world, and its manifestations have been embodied in modernity, globalization, cultural invasion as it has exceeded all borders and particularities, including religious beliefs, the latter is one of the most prominent characteristics that distinguish between peoples and societies, although it has not been spared the impact of this phenomenon, and the reason for this is that man is by nature inclined to change. Just as he is inclined to religiosity. In addition, there is an interactive relationship between religion and social change.
There is no doubt that religion is an innate natural tendency in man, and has existed since time immemorial, man from the beginning felt inferiority and the need for a god to worship and resort to him in times of crisis, and he found his way in the higher powers and the supernatural and with time he knew different religions until he reached the religion of monotheism with Islam, which was the last religion known to man in his life. If religion represents one of the important aspects in the life of the individual and society and interacts with all social systems and patterns, it will naturally be affected by the changes that occur in those systems, as religion is not immune from social transformations and developments of the times, especially since this transformation or social change is natural and necessary in social life.
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