Commitment to university professor ethics and its role in achieving the quality of higher education referring to Japanese universities
This study aims to identify one of the most important characteristics that must be available in the university professor as the main pillar of providing academic material in higher education, namely ethics and this is within the pursuit of quality in higher education from the perspective of building a research base for students in the scientific honesty in various studies Perhaps the most famous country that adopts ethics as a way of life is finding Japan, whose commitment to ethics contributed to many successes, especially in the field of education, all of this in order to build a solid educational base that produces professors as role models; students as a model and higher education with desired quality.
The descriptive analytical approach was adopted by referring to various scientific references and websites related to the study variables, and then adopting a case study - Japanese universities as a model - to analyze the relationship between the ethics of the university professor and the quality of higher education, where the study concluded that following an ethical rule in teaching It raised the level of “Japan universities Education” to occupy the top 50 ranks in the world.
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