Family sociological function in raising children from Internet addiction

  • khayra Chali University Of Chlef
  • Mounia Zougaie University Of Adrar
Keywords: Addiction to the internet, Family, Child


 The concept of a child is functionally linked to the role of the family institution in socialization Family as a social institution is one of the most important institutions concerned with the upbringing and preparation of the child to be a good member of society. The fundamental function of the concept of the family's educational and moral values in the upbringing of their children is the central problem of the study. which is to examine the positive role of parents, by giving their children a sense of responsibility in the face of future social life, In order to grow properly, based on a functional principle, the roles of both father and mother must be defined. Through his upbringing and upbringing on the Internet, which has become the scourge of the present day and, with socio-cultural changes and the globalization of technology, the role of the family needs more functional mobilization in dealing with the child addicted to the Internet. and therefore the consequences of Internet addiction in children, Contributes to the dysfunction of the family's functional composition, both structurally and structurally or through its interactions between its members, or through its relations with society's institutions based on interdependence and harmony among them and thus this has a significant impact on the child-oriented social process, This is reflected in society in general, and this theoretical study has addressed a range of elements relevant to the social upbringing of an Internet addict's child, by analysing the sociological phenomenon descriptively.  


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How to Cite
Chali , khayra, & Zougaie , M. (2023). Family sociological function in raising children from Internet addiction. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 5(2), 02-12.