The role of the written press in activating the Political awareness for the young algerian

Survey study on a sample of young people from the state of Tizi Ouzou

Keywords: Role, Written Press, Political, Political Consciousne, Young Algerian


This study aims to investigate the relationship of the Algerian written press with the Algerian youth's political consciousness. (From which we selected a sample of young people in the state of Tizi Ouzou) and how they contribute to providing him with political information and knowledge on local, regional and international issues and all the facts and events that occur in Algerian society, as well as international crises, conflicts and disputes, and how they contribute to shaping his ideas, trends, opinions and attitudes towards different subjects as well as how his behaviour and actions are directed.

We have reached results, most notably the relative role played by Algerian newspapers in the process of activating political awareness. This is due to a number of considerations, circumstances and factors, some of which are linked to the nature of Algerian society. Some are linked to Algeria's crisis of political confidence and others are linked to lack of confidence in the objectivity and credibility of the Algerian media, including the written press.


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How to Cite
Moussaoui , F., & Yakhlef, F. (2023). The role of the written press in activating the Political awareness for the young algerian : Survey study on a sample of young people from the state of Tizi Ouzou. Social Empowerment Journal, 5(4), 59-76.

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