Statistics between theory and practice in the social sciences
Despite the rapid development we see today in statistics. Which included all aspects of life, but its academic impact in Algeria was not at the level we saw in developed countries where successive eras of statistics development emerged by studying various aspects of life as a result of the interaction and cooperation that took place between academics who contributed to its development.
Today, academic statistics in Algeria are trying to follow up on statistical developments in the world, such as applied statistical programs from the majority of international universities, and adopt what is appropriate to modernize academic programs in universities accordingly. However, academics in the field of social statistics complain that these programs are far from the goals of applying statistical methods in the field and are limited to Theoretical is of a mathematical nature, which creates problems and difficulties for graduates during their field work or when completing their academic research.
In this paper, we will attempt to address a number of aspects of social statistics to clarify the picture and link the academic/theoretical and the field/applied aspects.
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