Methods and strategies managing occupational stress in the work environment and its impact on the job performance of employees
The aim of the research is to determine the reality of occupational pressures within work organizations and their impact on the level of job performance in the institution and to reveal the relationship between them and the job performance of workers, by addressing the concept of occupational pressure and job performance, its causes, sources, stages of occurrence, its implications and the most important management methods, and addressing the relationship between professional stress and job performance of the individual and the organization.
The study concluded that the various physical and organizational conditions must be improved and the informal communication network expanded to increase cooperation, your eliminate various administrative conflicts, and provide various material and moral incentives Pressures affect job performance with their negative effects on the individual and the organization and on achieving the desired goals of high effective performance as an important requirement that the organization seeks to increase its impact by confronting employees with administrative and professional pressures that cause problems of low performance.
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