The Impact of Social Media on Family Relationships: A Field Study on a Sample of Families in the City of Laghouat

Keywords: social media, family communication dynamics, intra-family communication, interpersonal relationships, familial relationships


This study aims to investigate the impact of social media on family relationships through a field study conducted on a sample of families in the city of Laghouat. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool to gather information from the sample members. A descriptive research methodology was adopted to trace and interpret the phenomenon. The study is driven by the following primary research question: How does social media influence the nature of relationships between family members?The study has yielded a number of significant findings, including:A correlation was observed between the age of respondents and the impact of social media on family relationshipsThe pervasive use of social media has compromised the privacy of family interactions


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How to Cite
BEN LAHBIB , S., & Zobiri, K. N. (2024). The Impact of Social Media on Family Relationships: A Field Study on a Sample of Families in the City of Laghouat. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 6(3), 66-82.