Personal protection of the child on the Internet from the standards of safety and security
The Internet has had negative effects on children and young people as a result of the negative uses of the network. What has been mentioned in the legal texts, research and studies of the characteristics of childhood and young people may have contributed to facilitating young people's risk of using the network negatively.
The impact of the negative Internet on the Arab youth has varied into contractual, ethical, psychological, social, economic, health and criminal effects. Therefore, we will try to address the two most important criteria that can contribute to the protection of the child, namely "safety and security" And sensitization and guidance to field specialists and security personnel. This is an attempt to explain the legal and electronic mechanisms that the family must satisfy and know to protect their children from falling into problems that affect their socialization based on the following problem: How are the child's personal protection on the web? What are the safety and security mechanisms adopted by the family and the institution?
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