The impact of internet on the results of the child (11_16) A field of study on a sample of students in El Rash Middle school

  • ali Boukhalkhal Université of Laghouat
  • Saddam Hocien Benyahia Université of Laghouat
  • Ammer Ben chettouh Université of Laghouat
Keywords: Internet, child, educational attainment, pupils, education


    This study aimed at diagnosing the reality of the students by studying the influence relationship between the Internet and the academic achievement through a field study on a sample of students of the intermediate stage. As the Internet has made many changes in several different areas contributed to the change and development of society and its members and its introduction to the world of digitization and the speed of access to information in the era of technology. This technology, which has become a point of strength and weakness for the educational institution and its students. Based on these facts, which aroused the researcher's anger to study this relationship and its effects.


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معجم المعاني " الطفل " :

How to Cite
Boukhalkhal, ali, Benyahia, S. H., & Ben chettouh, A. (2019). The impact of internet on the results of the child (11_16) A field of study on a sample of students in El Rash Middle school. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(1), 52-65.