The impact of online video games and animation on the child's behavior Anthropological Approach to Human Heritage and Internet Technology

  • Allia Bachira Université of Saida
  • Ibrahim benarfa Université of Blida
Keywords: Internet, Child, Animations, Videos-games, Behavior


Technology has spread in recent times, and is no longer confined to the rich or social classes, there is almost no village or neighborhood or street in a large city of electronic playrooms and cybernet , and the majority of its pioneers in the category of children under 16 years of different geographical affiliations And their class differences, contributed to the formation of a new social formation strange to the family and society, where children are looking for ways to best imitate the characters of electronic heroes, who play their roles, and graduated from the circle of reason and knowledge to use the hidden ego, Data and ambitions unexpressed dreams that found in the electronic world and the Internet haven to achieve them. As well as to break the lust of natural barriers in their daily lives, especially in developing societies that are looking for resources of living and continuity only, not development and trying to improve the living reality.


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How to Cite
Bachira, A., & benarfa, I. (2019). The impact of online video games and animation on the child’s behavior Anthropological Approach to Human Heritage and Internet Technology. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(1), 66-75.