The impact of the Internet on family-child communication Cartoon films viewed via YouTube model, a field study on a sample of households in the wilaya of Biskra

  • Ali Sahi Université of Laghouat
  • Amel Keziz Université of Ouargla
Keywords: cartoons, child, family communication, social networking, YouTub


Childhood issues are of great interest to specialists in psychology and sociology because of the importance of this age in human life in the crystallization and formation of the basic foundations of personality, and despite the presence of the family has begun to fade manifestations of social and educational and emotional development And the communication that connects the members of this building in exchange for the intervention of other institutions to carry out these tasks in the light of social changes and the emergence of television channels and programs broadcast where the environment has become a child and this is not a variety of cartoons and within this context, seeks this intervention To highlight the impact of cartoon films on family communication in the child.


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How to Cite
Sahi, A., & Keziz, A. (2019). The impact of the Internet on family-child communication Cartoon films viewed via YouTube model, a field study on a sample of households in the wilaya of Biskra. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(1), 96-109.