Psychosocial problems in pediatric medics. An exploratory study at the Childhood Foundation in Ouargla

  • Mouna Zhour Université of Ouargla
  • Fatima zohra Benmjahed Université of Ouargla
Keywords: Psychosocial Problems, Childhood, Shelter Foundation for Pediatric Children


Through my experience with the Children's Shelter Foundation and in the framework of field training, which lasted nearly four months, we will try to participate in this intervention under the title of psychosocial problems in children at the shelter institution for the care of child medics, and we aim to identify the psychological problems that appear in this category of Children, which are manifested in the main symptoms: isolation and introversion, low self-esteem, mood problems and feelings of emotional deprivation. This study contains a theoretical framework that includes the concepts of the study, which are the psychological problems of the social, the childhood, the institutions of shelter for the children of paramedics, and the practical side contains the methodology of the approved study, the study cases, the tools used in the study and the observation. We designed a network to observe and monitor the problems that we aim to identify, which allowed us to observe them. It consisted in isolation and loss of pleasure, aggressive behaviors and stubbornness, low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, sadness and mood swings, feelings of emotional deprivation.


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How to Cite
Zhour, M., & Benmjahed, F. zohra. (2019). Psychosocial problems in pediatric medics. An exploratory study at the Childhood Foundation in Ouargla . مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(4), 17-42.