The civilizational project in Malik ibn nabi’s modern thought, its embeddiment in the recent Asian societies

  • Alrezki kettaf university of Setif
  • Hafida Nehaili university of Djelfa
Keywords: conditions of civilization, social effectiveness, models of urbanization


The research paper aims to investigate the most important facts and statements on the basis of which the intellectual Malik bin Nabi formulated his civilizational project based on the research forms of: Why did they advance and delay us?, he tried to answer him by implementing his idea to stand up to the problems of civilization, Where the conditions of the Renaissance of the Islamic nation and keep pace with the progress and similarities of other nations.

In this context, we have stopped its therapeutic stations to understand and understand its goals.


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How to Cite
kettaf, A., & Nehaili, H. (2019). The civilizational project in Malik ibn nabi’s modern thought, its embeddiment in the recent Asian societies. مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, 1(2), 28-42.